Today I was messing around making flowers with my punches and tried out one of the ones you can make with Scallop circle punches. I used both the large and regular sized Scalloped circle punches from SU. The flower came out pretty decent after snipping each scallop of all the circles into petals, joining them at the center with a brad, and then curving the petals. Pleased with myself, I then decided how cool it would look if it shimmered. And that was the beginning of the end of my pretty decent flower.
I took it outside along with my Smooch gold shimmer spray and stood about 12 inches away (I know, you're supposed to be about 6 feet away or something) and sprayed it. Well, each time I pumped the spray, the plastic wrapper with all the info about the spray (which you can't take off or you lose that info) would slide up until it was shielding the nozzle and the back splash of the spray was now going all over my fingers and globbing onto my (formerly) pretty decent flower. I finally stopped, left it there and walked to the trash can inside my craft room and threw away my silly Smooch spray. BAhhhh I say!!
After awhile, my flower dried with it's globby shimmer and to me it looked like the poor thing had age spots all over it. But I kept it, played with the shape of it some more and left it to sit and wallow in the misery I had caused it.

Then along came this week's Featured Stamper over on SCS!! YAY Emily (aka Stampingout)!! Emily uses big flowers on a lot of her cards so I selected one of her many gorgeous ones to CASE so I could make use of my formerly pretty decent flower.
I went with a shabby-chic feel for my card to make it seem like I did that aging thing to it on purpose. (Uh, yah, that's right, I wanted it to look like that.) Anyhow, in the end, it is going to be ok I guess and I have Emily to thank for that!! Congratulations and thank you Emily!!
TFL, I'm so glad you stopped by!

wow, what a great card ! it's a pitty, if you post this one, the flower gets flat... so you have to give it personaly.... that's fun too ofcourse.
have a crafty day,
greetings, martina
Bahahaha! Sorry, but this made me laugh so hard! Sounds exactly like my attempts at making things! But your card is GORGEOUS! Love it!
Well i think it looks gorgeous!
I call that a HAPPY ACCIDENT! I love it!
Great story! Been there, done that. However, don't throw your smooch away ... just shake it up a lot before you use it and maybe it'll work better or get a refund? I wish my accidents turned out as beautiful as yours!
Wow, for you not liking the flower, in the end it turned out pretty gorgeous! It's a wonderful flower. Sometimes I get so frustrated because something doesn't turn out how I envisioned it and then someone else goes gah over maybe it's just a creative thing. :-) Anyway, I think it's beautiful.
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Просто интересно :) Чего вы боялись в детстве? Может боялись какой-нибудь фильм,мультфильм, или же вам в шкафу или же под кроватью какое-то существо мерещилось?
Я вот в детстве боялась заставку к телесериалу "Моя вторая мама", где девочка бежит к маме,а мама как оказалось манекеном и у нее отваливается рука и голова. Недавно еще раз увидела эту заставку, вот и вспомнилось) А чего боялись вы?
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