I've finally stopped to upload some stuff! Here's a couple of the cards I've made recently and they are completely opposite styles!
The lead photo is a paper pieced designed for this week's Inspiration Challenge. I was drawn to the pattern and colors of these stripes so that is what got me going! The flower is a Stephanie Ackerman stamp (her blog is here and you can buy her stamps at Purple Onion) that I paper pieced, then drew a matching birdy to go with it and added it to the top with a mini clip embellishment.
I made this next card when I got my "You Inspire Me" set from Just Rite (inspired by Michele Woerner's work here).
I stamped the frame onto an old dictionary page and trimmed it out. Adhered a TH Rosette that I had made previously that was waiting to be used. I stamped the "Thanks" from the stamp set in the center.
I attached a beaded stem from the Wedding aisle of JoAnns to the card by piercing two holes along the stem and threading short pieces of wire through. I bent the wires on the back of the card like they were brads.
And as you can see, I added some gorgeous lacy trim that I had in my stash that I don't remember where it's from!! The DP is new Basic Grey Picadilly and there's a little more of the old dictionary page used at the bottom.
TFL, I'm so glad you stopped by!
oh cool, those are both terrific! and you just happened to draw a birdie to match???! wowzers! you probably drew that frame around the flower, too, and I'm totally amazed once again at your talent.