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Friday, February 25, 2011

Libster Award!

A very sweet Robin (Inky Fingers) tagged me with this Libster Blog Award today!   It's a great feeling to receive such a kind compliment!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart Robin!!

And as is the tradition of Blog Awards, I am happy to pass this along to a few of my very favorite bloggers that I like to frequent as often as possible!  Your talent brings me such joy and it is my pleasure to share this with you!  Please grab the award GFs for your own blog!!  Once you have it posted, please pass it along to 3-5 of your favorite Bloggers and continue sharing the love!

Lou (Stamp Cat Creations)
Julie (Julies Stamping Station)
Steph (Where'd All My Money Go?)



  1. Thanks so much Anne! I will post it!


  2. Aww, you're very sweet! Thanks for the award. I'll post it as soon as I can. :)

  3. Congrats on your award, are the best, gf!!!

  4. yay! you are such an awesome stamper and I love visiting your blog to see what you've created. your colored images always amaze me.
    p.s. I left something I my blog for you, too! :-D Hugs


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